B-va Fink Art Toy

Quito, Ecuador the year 1998, that magical moment where everything was simpler.

A time when it was the best to go to the store and get the change (in sucres) for that candy you wanted so much, then visit the room of a rocker uncle and find that Ed Roth-style art, garbage pail kids along with posters and magazines at an early age would mark the style that I manage today, where monsters, color, the unconventional and play are accomplices.

Nostalgia moves and transports us.

From the neighbor's store and my uncle's drawer I present to you.

B-va Fink a monstrous and sweet being that comes to take you on a trip.

This is a gift for the "Gabo" from the 90s.

‘"All Rare Monsters United"

Original concept, illustration & toy production @bygabozeta

3D model by DullHouse

Product Photos by Mr Cachivache